Libreria Acqua Alta in Venice

September 12, 2016
st. mark's square venice italy
Happy Monday! Today we are exploring Venice. Are you ready? I may sound like a broken record but my advice when visiting a new city is to get lost in it and find hidden gems. Even if you haven’t been to Venice I’m sure you are familiar with St. Mark’s square (cover photo), Doge’s Palace (below)...
doge's palace venice italy
...or the iconic Danieli hotel.
danieli hotel venice italy
 And the quintessential Venetian gondolas!
gondola venice italy

gondola venice italy

gondola venice italy
That’s why I want to show you this curious place: 
libreria acqua alta venice italy
The self-proclaimed "most beautiful bookstore in the world" is located near St. Mark's square and is probably the most chaotic one I've ever seen. There are books everywhere in no logical order -apparently. There's even a full-size gondola inside which serves as a shelf.
libreria acqua alta venice italy
 Some furry friends hang out here as well.
libreria acqua alta venice italy

libreria acqua alta venice italy

libreria acqua alta venice italy

libreria acqua alta venice italy
But its top attraction is in the back, a patio with book steps (books are also used as furniture here) that entice you into following them for...
libreria acqua alta venice italy
 ...this wonderful view.
libreria acqua alta venice italy
It's definitely worth a visit, right? It reminded me of Shakespeare and Co. in Paris which we visited last summer.
libreria acqua alta venice italy
Now you see why I make so much emphasis on getting lost in a city, how else would you find picturesque places like this?
Another piece of advice I usually give is to see the city's landmarks twice if possible: during daylight and then at night when the streetlights are on and buildings become alive again.
st. mark's square venice italy night

doge's palace venice italy night
See you next week,
xo Cristina

P.S. Are you updating your closet? I'm sharing my favorite back to school outfits on my shop page, take a look and let me know which one you like best.