30 Things to do in your Thirties
November 25, 2019
I feel incredibly grateful for the amazing opportunities and milestones that I have had and reached throughout my 20s and early 30s such as graduating from university, living in San Francisco, creating this blog, moving to Madrid and getting married. Even though I feel very proud of everything I've accomplished, being a very ambitious person I have a never ending list of goals I want to achieve.
This week is very important for me because it marks the beginning of celebration season. It starts with my birthday this Wednesday -which is the day I put up our Christmas decor- and then there are birthday celebrations in my family every week until Christmas. So it's a whole month of celebrations and gatherings.
To celebrate my birthday with you, I've created a list of 30 things to do in your thirties that I find rewarding and fulfilling. Some I’ve achieved and others, I have yet to.
Here's my list of 30 things to do in your 30s. Let me know which ones are your favorites or what ideas you'd add to the list :)
This week is very important for me because it marks the beginning of celebration season. It starts with my birthday this Wednesday -which is the day I put up our Christmas decor- and then there are birthday celebrations in my family every week until Christmas. So it's a whole month of celebrations and gatherings.
To celebrate my birthday with you, I've created a list of 30 things to do in your thirties that I find rewarding and fulfilling. Some I’ve achieved and others, I have yet to.
Here's my list of 30 things to do in your 30s. Let me know which ones are your favorites or what ideas you'd add to the list :)
- Save for the trip of your life. For me Australia and California had always been my dream destinations, even though now I've been to both I still dream of traveling to lands far away.
- Travel as often as you can. That doesn't necessarily mean booking a flight. Weekend getaways and road trips help us unwind and go back to work with a fresh mind.
- Travel solo. This is something everyone should try at least once in a lifetime. Read my experience traveling solo.
- Live abroad. Whether it's for months or years, this opens your mind like nothing else does. Read my experience as an au-pair in the US.
- Buy your first home or apartment. We are currently house hunting, fingers crossed!
- Practice a new talent or take up a hobby you left aside. I used to draw a lot as a kid but now I've transferred that passion to photography. I also took piano lessons as a teen but never had the patience to learn properly, I'd love to try again some day.
- Do voluntary work. Whether is helping people in need or preserve cultural heritage, I'd like to give back to the community in some way.
- Give more priority to me time. I've always wanted to get pampered for a day with a trip to the spa, to get a facial, a massage and my make-up and hair done.
- Be the best version of yourself. Instead of focusing on changing, strive for better. We don't need to be other people, we just need to work on ourselves.
- Accept yourself: your "flaws", your body, etc. Don't be so hard on yourself, nobody's perfect.
- Think positive. Train yourself to change every single negative thought and turn it into a positive one.
- Video chat with those friends who are far away. I have friends from all over the world but I never find the time to chat with them properly.
- Organize friend/family gatherings. We are so caught up on our daily routine that we procrastinate things that are important in life like spending time with loved ones.
- Find a workout routine that you love. Working out is not my number one priority and I think that's because I haven't found a sport or routine that I actually enjoy.
- Learn a new language. I speak Spanish, English and French but I gave up Russian lessons and now I feel like I've forgotten most of it which is really sad.
- Face your fears. We all have them, and getting over them is one of the hardest things in life.
- Don't be a prisoner of things your can't change. Whether is personal relationships or something else, learn to let go.
- Take risks. If you are a control freak like me, you probably have a hard time doing this. But what's the worst that could happen?
- Take a cooking class. I LOVE baking and I'd love to learn tips and tricks to improve my baking skills.
- Give yourself a treat. Save some cash and buy that thing that you've always wanted to but it's too expensive. YOLO.
- Set some money aside. Think about the long future: retirement, house, kids...
- Say "I love you". Is there someone you've always wanted to tell how you feel but never dared?
- No regrets. Stop torturing yourself about things that can't be changed. Think that they are life experiences.
- Start an exciting project. Have you ever wanted to do something like writing a book? Maybe a blog would be a good start.
- Ask yourself: am I happy? Think about what's missing in your life.
- Love life. Are you in a relationship? Think about where you are at and where you want to be. Maybe it's time to take the next step.
- Go back to school. If you didn't finish your degree or you studied the wrong one, this is a good time to rethink your future.
- Make some changes -or not- on your professional career. Are you happy at work? Are you doing what you've always wanted to do?
- Try a -new- meditation technique. Find a podcast that relaxes you, take up yoga or try out tapping.
- Spend some time in the countryside. I've always loved big cities because they've got so much to offer. However, since I moved to Madrid I've learned to appreciate rural life much more.
Hopefully this post has inspired you to improve some things about your life or encouraged you to try new things. What items on the list have you already nailed down? what would you add to your own list?