How to Survive Christmas When You Are Living Abroad

December 14, 2017
carmel by the sea california christmas travel blogger
I've been an expat which means I've spent special occasions far from home. From birthdays to Christmas, I've missed a few gatherings that are important for me. When you’re travelling or living abroad, spending Christmas outside of your home country can be a difficult time. Everywhere you look there seem to be families spending time together. People ask you if you’re going home for the holidays... However, there are many ways to make those times less hard and I'm going to share them with you today.

Let's see some tips on how to survive Christmas when you are living abroad!
carmel by the sea california christmas travel blogger

Surviving Christmas When You Are Living Abroad: TECHNOLOGY IS YOUR BEST FRIEND

During my first time as an expat in Ireland I spent many hours using Windows Messenger (does it still work?), then I moved on to Skype while I was in California. Nowadays, there are even more ways to communicate like Whatsapp or Facebook. I didn't have a smartphone back in the day, now you pretty much have the world in your pocket.

Surviving Christmas When You Are Living Abroad: FIND WAYS TO GIVE BACK

One of my favorite activities as an au-pair was helping out at the Food Bank in San Francisco. Find out how you can make a difference, maybe you can help the elderly, volunteer at a Soup Kitchen or spend some time with kids who are having a hard time. It's such a fulfilling experience!
rodeo drive L.A. California Christmas travel blogger
 Rodeo Drive L.A.
rodeo drive L.A. California Christmas travel blogger

Surviving Christmas When You Are Living Abroad: SHARE A ROOM

If you are traveling by yourself, stay at a hostel. Chances are you'll find people in the same situation.

Surviving Christmas When You Are Living Abroad: GIVE YOURSELF A TREAT

Yes, we live in a consumer society but a little retail therapy didn't hurt anyone. I found that giving myself a treat made me feel much better when I was feeling blue. It can be clothes, eating out or a visit to the spa. Think about what your guilty pleasure is and spoil yourself for a day.

Surviving Christmas When You Are Living Abroad: EMBRACE LOCAL TRADITIONS

One of the beautiful things about living abroad is learning about and embracing other cultures. Do what the locals do and you can still follow those traditions and show them to family and friends when you go back. If you are in Spain for instance you can eat the 12 grapes on New Year's Eve or celebrate the day of The Three Wise Men by watching the parade and eating Roscon de Reyes (more on Christmas in Spain coming soon).

Surviving Christmas When You Are Living Abroad: KEEP YOUR TRADITIONS

Show those around you what you do back home during the holidays. Do those things that you miss even if it's just watching your favorite Christmas movie.
Brussels Belgium Christmas travel blogger
brussels belgium christmas abroad travel blogger

Surviving Christmas When You Are Living Abroad: SEND CHRISTMAS CARDS

This is the tradition that I miss the most, not getting any mail. While living abroad I used to get letters and birthday cards but not anymore. The excitement of seeing that someone was thinking about you and cared to send your something is gone. So maybe send some Christmas cards home, you will probably get some from family and friends too.

Surviving Christmas When You Are Living Abroad: GET YOUR LOVED ONES TO VISIT YOU

"If the mountain will not come to Muhammad, then Muhammad must go to the mountain". I was really lucky that my parents could come visit me in California that year. They spent Christmas Day on a plane but at least we could spend a few days together.
san francisco california christmas abroad travel blogger
 San Francisco
san francisco california christmas abroad travel blogger
san francisco california christmas abroad travel blogger
Have you ever spent Christmas abroad? What did you do to beat homesickness?
xo Cristina